Values, Beliefs, and Boundaries based on the Zodiac


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I value independence. I believe that I am Independent. I will not bend to another’s will.

I value growth. I believe that I embrace change. I will not become stagnant.

I value curiosity. I believe my reality is interesting. I will not stop investigating.

I value safety. I believe that I am safe. I will not put myself in danger.

I value self-development. I believe that I am successful. I will not go down to a lower level for anyone.

I value excellence. I believe I excel at what I put effort into. I will not be lazy.

I value balance. I believe I am balanced. I will not disrupt polarities.

I value intensity. I believe I am in flow. I will not sacrifice my focused flow.

I value adventure. I believe that life is a journey. I will not give into boredom.

I value objectivity. I believe I can look at things objectively. I will not react from my emotions.

I value friendship. I believe that I am friendly. I will not be anti-social.

I value creativity. I believe I have the power to create. I will not stop creating.  

5 responses to “Values, Beliefs, and Boundaries based on the Zodiac”

  1. johncoyote Avatar

    Hard to find people with same goals and dreams. In my Army days. I met the crazy one’s. Suicide boarding the sea and free climbing, we needed. Some drink also. We had the same value. Enjoy life and seek the beauty of nature. Today, I take my grandchildren on mystery trips dear Brigid. What I miss most is talking. Hello, my friend and it is snowing in Michigan today on 18 April.

    1. brigidfaye Avatar

      Hello friend 🙂 It’s sunny and about 85 degrees in Florida today. I’ve been puzzling about what my values really are, and this is an exercise to feel some out. I know that I’ve overdone my value of adventure and put myself in danger. It’s a tricky thing to find balance.

      1. johncoyote Avatar

        Hello dear Brigid. I still test life and when we quit testing life. What do we do? I teach my grandchildren to free-climb the waterfalls and to free-fall into the lakes. Old wise saying. Be wild and young, as long as you can. You will be old for a long time. Don’t rush to the old age.

  2. Tatsat Avatar

    It will be interesting to see how you, and your values, evolve with time. Am hoping they do- not that they are anything bad but because you said you value growth. And growth is about change, including the value associated with growth. Over time, people like the stillness of things too- who knows 🙂 If, and am counting on it, you keep an open mind..who knows what we might come to like 🙂 Good luck

    1. brigidfaye Avatar

      Thanks Tatsat! I recently reparsed my values and it’s a different list from this one, I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to grow <3

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